Thanks to's 40% off sale on canvases I recently got around to having some pictures from Rome, Spain, and Russia printed on canvas wraps. This is something I've been meaning to do for about three years. Having my new canvases has thrown me into a desire to actually decorate my bedroom. I think I feel like the pictures are super cool and they deserve a super cool home. The first step of this was cleaning out my closet, which I have done! I'm now moving on to the fun part--getting some new stuff and putting it up. My canvas wraps are here, and I'm getting new frames for a few old pictures to go with them. I have a painting done by a friend that I'm finally going to get around to hanging up. Plus, I'm investigating some new book shelving options--since as previously mentioned, I have a rather large number of books that need a home (and the five-shelf bookshelf, along with the two-shelf bookshelf, I have is already full).
The really fun part about this is that I can do whatever I want. I don't have to check to make sure anyone else likes it, and I don't have to worry about making anyone else happy with the room since I'm the only one who lives there! And, I don't have to worry about whether or not something would be guy-friendly before I do it (and by that I mean that sometimes when I'm looking at Pottery Barn or something I do this thing where I look at all the bedspreads and stuff through this lens of whether or not they would work in a room that was shared by a boy and a girl--like could I reasonably expect to get this if I were married or would my husband absolutely object because of all the flowers on it--I like to think I'm not the only girl who does this, but it could just be another thing that makes me a little strange). So I'm now on a mission to create my perfect space, one that is totally distinctive and me--because I'm single and I can.
I love redecorating! My roommate in college used to come back at 1 in the morning to find our room completely in the middle of being re-arranged. =) Have fun!