"And he who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new...."
-Revelation 21:5

"An unmarried woman is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord...."
-1 Corinthians 7: 34

"To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance."
-Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

blood:water mission

Before I get to the main point of this post--blood:water mission--I feel like I need to spend a few lines on blood alcohol. The police called me this morning to ask if I could come in and make an official statement, so I went to the police station during my planning. While I was there, I found out that the guy who rear-ended me yesterday had a blood alcohol level of .14 (.08 is the legal limit where I live). Hopefully, he will just plead guilty, but if he doesn't, I'll have to go to his trial and testify.

Anyway, back to the main point. My friend at school convinced me to do the blood:water mission's Forty Days of Water with her. She didn't really convince me so much as tell me she was going to do it, which made me think, "I'm going to feel like a bad person if I see her drinking water all the time to raise money for people in Africa and I'm sitting around doing nothing." Because I didn't want that kind of guilt, I said I would join her. To read about what exactly I'm doing, check out their website:
http://www.bloodwatermission.com/fortydays.php. You might even decide to join me!

In a nutshell, I'm not allowed to drink anything but water for the next forty days. Anyone who knows me knows that I have an intimate personal relationship with Diet Coke, so to say I'm a little concerned is an understatement. I warned my students today. They were all shocked, and none of them believe I can make it that long sans Diet Coke. I don't think they really want me to--I don't imaging I'm going to be too pleasant to be around for awhile. I also realized that this means no wine during The Bachelor finale and no Diet Coke or alcohol on my birthday--boo.

For motivation I had a friend who has been to Africa e-mail me a picture of some cute African kids that I can set as my background on my computers at school. Hopefully whenever the craving for a Diet Coke hits I will be able to use it to get me through. We'll see how it goes....one day down, thirty-nine to go!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for adding so much laughter to my morning! And I can just see you when you get to heaven, spending time with all those little children hugging you, and thanking you for your sacrifices for them! You are one of the most generous people I know; a lot like your dad! I'm sure he is smiling too as he looks at the beautiful young woman you have become: inside and out!!
